Head Real Estate
Swiss Life Asset Managers Germany
Jan Plückhahn is Head Real Estate at Swiss Life Asset Managers in Germany and a member of the German Executive Board. He is also a member of the Executive Board of BEOS AG.
Jan Plückhahn holds a degree in architecture and a Master of Science in Real Estate Management (REM) from TU Berlin.
Since joining BEOS AG in 2003, he has worked in various divisions and held numerous roles, including head of the Hamburg office between 2010 and 2015. He has been a member of the Executive Board of BEOS AG since 2016, where his responsibilities include Transactions, Portfolio Management, Finance and Capital Markets.
Jan Plückhahn has been Head Real Estate at Swiss Life Asset Managers in Germany and a member of the Executive Board since 2023. He continues to serve as a member of the Executive Board of BEOS AG.
Jan Plückhahn has also been a member of the Investment Committee Real Estate (ICRE) at Swiss Life Asset Managers since 2019, where he is co-lead. He also lectures at IREBS Real Estate Academy.